90Mins @9am“Worship & The Word”
2nd & 4th Sunday’s via Zoom
ID # 426 281 3075 Pw# PRAYER
Click https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4262813075?pwd=WkorcUx0TElVd3E0Y3g4b3FMK3ZoZz09&omn=85390127934 to join a Zoom Meeting
Password# PRAYER
October 3rd @7pm
If interested email: “Interested” and your Name at theprayerwell2020@gmail.com
2025 “FREEDOM FIRE” Mentorship 10wk Mentorship Program…
15 Slots- Preparing To Be FREE!!! IN GOD…
Click below to join this 10wk Mentorship; In order to be FREE we must be HONEST!!! With Ourselves First Before You Can FREE SOMEONE ELSE…
2025 “LEVEL UP”
Leadership Building “BIBLE STUDY“
1st & 3rd Tuesdays @6:45pm
via Zoom
We provide a safe haven for those who feel lost and broken.
Where they will be able to come in and receive the fullness of love, care, deliverance, healing, and the freedom of God without resistance.